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Railways cancel and divert several trains following the blockade of farmers on February 18th

In the wake of a rail blockade that farmers called on February 18 to protest the three controversial agriculture laws, Indian Railways cancelled many trains in the north, especially in Punjab.

The trains cancelled are mainly those that on February 16-19 either start or are bound for the state. Among the trains cancelled by the northern railways are 05211 Darbhanga-Amritsar Express from 16 February onwards and 05212 Amritsar-Darbhanga Express from 17 February onwards.

The following trains will be partially cancelled: 

The following trains will be diverted:

Meanwhile, Sukhdev Singh Kokri, BKU (Ekta) General Secretary, said that the railway blockade would last for four hours between noon and 4 pm.

Since their protests on the border with Delhi began in November, protesting farmers have taken over toll booths in several parts of the country and allowed vehicles to pass free of charge. The step irked the central and many state governments immensely, who sought to take back the toll plazas.

